Elements of MW link:

-Multiplexing /Demulteplexing of Tributaries
-Modulation/Demodulation with the Carrier
-IF conversion
IDU Block Diagram:
ODU Functions:
-Works as a up converter in TX direction and down converter in RX direction
-TX/RX separation/combination with Duplexer
-Determines the Frequency of operation
ODU Block Diagram:
Antenna Functions:
Works as an amplifier to overcome the fade margin and give desired AGC levels.
Wire carrying HF Current is surrounded by Electric and Magnetic Fields
-Directive Gain
>Power Density radiated by antenna
>Power Density Radiated by Isotropic Antenna
* Power Density measured at same distance
* Both Antenna radiate the same total power
Antenna Specifications:
>Operating Frequency bands
>Possible to tune antenna for slightly different frequency range while retaining the same characteristics
>Is the Guaranteed peak Voltage Standing wave ratio within the operating band
>Stated in dBi (Decibels over an isotropic radiator). Primarily a function of antenna size.
-Front to back Ratio:
>In dB denotes highest radiation relative to main beam at 180+/-40 degree across the band.
-Half Power Beam Width:
>Nominal total width of the main beam at -3dB points
>Can be single or dual polarized
>For Dual polarized antennas. Refers to isolation between each polarized beam
Power Density:
-Radiated power Per Unit Area
-Inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source
ρ = Power density at distance r from an isotropic source
Pt= Transmitted power
Free Space Loss:
-Depends upon frequency of operation and distance between the Antennas
Loss= 32.4+ 20 log f + 20 log d
f = frequency of operation in MHzd= Distance between the Antennas
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